The 28th
annual Celebrate Women event is scheduled for March 27 from 4:45-7:30pm in the
Glenn Poshard Transportation Education Center 545 N Airport Rd Murphysboro. Doors open at 4:45pm. Silent Auction from 4:45- 6:00. Food from Into the Fire Catering from 5:00 - 6:00. Presentations and Scholarships Awarded from 6:00 - 7:30pm. The
event is a fundraising event to support scholarships awarded to SIU students
from the Carbondale Branch AAUW. Celebrate Women has a long history at SIU, and
we hope to help close out Women’s History Month with this year’s event.
The theme of
Celebrate Women this year is Driving Us Forward: Women in Automotive. President
Mahony will provide the welcome to the presentation portion of the evening, Chief
Diversity Officer Sheila Caldwell (SIU University System) is the honorary
chair, and the guest speaker is Jessica Suda, a double major SIU alumna and
engineering professional in the transportation industry.
Tickets are $30/person, $15/SIU student with SIU ID, or $150/table for 6 and can be purchased from Martha Ellert at or 618-521-0613.